What Our Customers Are Saying
Mangal dosh caused issues in my marriage and it even put a burden on my father as he couldn’t find a better son-in-law. After consultation of an acharya we discovered the presence of Mangal dosh in my birth chart. It’s fixed using a puja which I booked online through Book Puja portal. The puja was all according to Vedic Hindu rituals and panditji were very humble. Everything was genuine.

Akash Sharma
Even after studying for hours and having practical knowledge I failed to score a satisfying marks in various eligibility tests for the top universities. After consulting the pandits in my home town, I discovered the presence of Kaal Sarp dosha which is now fixed, thanks to the puja organized by Pandit ji.

I booked Navgrah Shanti Puja as I was going through the worst phase of my life. Got broke and my marriage wasn’t working well either. Had health issues too. After a month of getting Navgrah shanti puja to please all sorts of grahas which affect our life, I see positive changes in my life and everything which was earlier looking broken is now getting fix or is already fixed. Thank you for getting it done for me.

Rohit Kumar
One of the downside of getting settled in Canada was the non-availability of time to conduct regular puja and offer prasad to Durga devi. Panditji arranged it all for me and I got the blessings of Goddess Durga right from my comfortable home. It felt so good on the completion of the puja which I attended via live video call.
